Cookie Policy. Effective as of 29/03/2022
This cookie policy is made for the site (Site). The document is drafted taking into account the provisions of European Regulation 679/2016 on the protection of personal data (GDPR), the Privacy Code (Legislative Decree No. 196 of June 30, 2003) and the Guidelines of the Privacy Guarantor (especially the Guidelines on the use of cookies issued on July 10, 2021).
Data Controller: MIKEA SRL – Via Madonna della Pace sn – 65020 Rosciano (PE) – Camera di Commercio Industria Artigianato e Agricoltura di PESCARA – Nr. REA: PE – 129770 – CF: 01799290687 – PARTITA IVA : IT01799290687 – Capitale Sociale: 50.000,00€ int. versato – Email: int. versato – Pec: – Tel: +39 085 921 8158
What are cookies
A cookie is a text file that a website visited by the user sends to his terminal (computer, mobile device such as smartphones or tablets), where it is stored and then transmitted to that site on a subsequent visit to the same site.
Cookies are distinguished
on the basis of the subject who installs them, depending on whether it is the same manager of the site visited (so-called “first party cookies”) or a different subject (so-called “third party cookies”);
according to the purpose of each cookie: some cookies allow better navigation, storing some of the user’s choices, such as language (so-called “technical cookies”), other cookies allow monitoring the user’s navigation also in order to send advertising and/or offer services in line with his/her preferences (so-called “profiling cookies”).
Only profiling cookies require the prior consent of the user to their use.
The Data Controller is only responsible for first party cookies installed on the Site.
In the section “First party technical cookies” you can view the types of first party technical cookies set by the Site.
The management of profiling cookies is described in the section “Third party profiling cookies“, where present. If this section is not present it means that the Site does not set profiling cookies. If the Site sets profiling cookies you can express and modify your consent to the set of these cookies using the options indicated in the so-called “cookie banner” (the banner that appears when you first access the Site).
In any case, you can also enable/disable cookies through the options of your browser:
Internet Explorer
Click on Tools menu, then Internet Options.
Click on Privacy, then Advanced.
In the Cookies window, select your preferences.
Google Chrome
Click on Chrome’s menu.
Select Settings, then click on Advanced.
In the Privacy and Security section, click on the Content Settings button.
Select your preferred options in the Cookies section.
Click on Tools, then click on the Options menu.
Click on Privacy and Security settings.
Select Use custom settings for history.
Select your preferred options in the Accept cookies and data from websites section.
Click on Safari, then Preferences.
Click on the Privacy and Security section.
Go to Block Cookies and select your preferred options.
First-party technical cookies
These cookies are necessary for the operation of the Site and cannot be disabled. They are usually defined as a response to actions taken that constitute a request for services, such as setting cookie preferences, logging in or filling out forms, browsing preferences.
The Site sets navigation or session cookies that guarantee normal navigation and use of the Site.
We also use technical cookies that allow you to navigate the Site while maintaining the choices you have made.
The Site also uses cookies that maintain your choice as to how you view Products on the Site.
The Sites sets also cookies which document your consent to the release of profiling cookies and the relevant preferences. These cookies recognize you the second time you access the Site so that you do not have to request consent again for the installation of profiling cookies.
The Site Owner also uses “anonymized” Google Analytics. This means that the cookies issued by Google Analytics only allow analysis of statistical data, without the possibility of identifying the individual user.
The Data Controller also uses cookies that keep track of the Products viewed by the user during the session on the Site.
Third-party profiling cookies
In the cookie banner that appears the first time you access the Site, you can review the profiling cookies issued by the Site and express your preferences.
Cookie List
Nome | Descrizione | Scadenza | Sito |
PHPSESSID | Mantiene l’identificativo di sessione del visitatore e permette di passare alcune variabili da una pagina all’altra. | Al termine della sessione di navigazione. | |
WHMCS+codice generato casualmente | Mantiene e ricorda l’accesso all’area clienti del sito. Viene impostato solo quando il visitatore effettua l’accesso e spunta l’opzione Mantieni l’accesso. | 365 giorni o fino alla disconnessione. | |
WHMCSPW | Mantiene e ricorda l’accesso all’area clienti del sito. Viene impostato solo quando il visitatore effettua l’accesso e spunta l’opzione Mantieni l’accesso. | 365 giorni o fino alla disconnessione. | |
WHMCSAffiliateID | Gestisce il sistema di affiliazione. Salva l’identificativo dell’affiliato di riferimento, in modo tale che se un utente effettua un acquisto all’affiliato viene riconosciuta la relativa commissione. | 90 giorni. | |
_addons, config1062, config1057 | Gestiscono il configuratore dei servizi Hosting Business e VPS VMware. Permettono la configurazione dei prodotti quando vengono inseriti nel carrello. Questi cookie vengono attivati sono quando viene utilizzato il configuratore. | Al termine della sessione di navigazione. | |
pagelimit | Viene utilizzato all’interno dell’area clienti e memorizza le impostazioni di visualizzazione (numero di elementi per pagina) dell’elenco dei domini e dei servizi. Viene attivato solo effettuando l’accesso alla pagina di gestione domini e di gestione servizi. | 90 giorni. | |
domviews | Viene utilizzato all’interno dell’area clienti e memorizza le impostazioni di visualizzazione (numero di elementi per pagina, ordinamento, ecc.) dell’elenco dei domini registrati. Viene attivato solo effettuando l’accesso alla pagina di gestione domini. | 365 giorni. | |
prviews | Viene utilizzato all’interno dell’area clienti e memorizza le impostazioni di visualizzazione (numero di elementi per pagina, ordinamento, ecc.) dell’elenco dei servizi di hosting, VPS e server. Viene attivato solo effettuando l’accesso alla pagina di gestione dei servizi. | 365 giorni. | |
invoviews | Viene utilizzato all’interno dell’area clienti e memorizza le impostazioni di visualizzazione (numero di elementi per pagina, ordinamento, ecc.) dell’elenco delle fatture. Viene attivato solo effettuando l’accesso alla pagina di visualizzazione delle fatture. | 365 giorni. | |
tktviews | Viene utilizzato all’interno dell’area clienti e memorizza le impostazioni di visualizzazione (numero di elementi per pagina, ordinamento, ecc.) dell’elenco delle richieste di assistenza. Viene attivato solo effettuando l’accesso alla pagina di visualizzazione ticket. | 365 giorni. | |
bnnr_+codice generato casualmente | Viene utilizzato all’interno del sito per permettere al visitatore di non visualizzare i banner a scomparsa che occasionalmente sono presenti sul sito. Si precisa che tali banner contengono solo informazioni sui servizi offerti da Hypergrinderall’interno del sito e non includono annunci di terze parti. | Variabile. | |
cookiealerter | Memorizza la scelta relativa all’utilizzo di cookie di terze parti ed evita che l’informativa breve sui cookie contenuta nel banner ricompaia nel caso di collegamenti al sito effettuati entro il termine di scadenza. Si attiva cliccando OK sul banner. Eliminando tale cookie non verrà salvata la presa visione del banner per accessi effettuati nei giorni successivi. Elimina questo cookie. | 180 giorni. | |
Rights of the user
Pursuant to Article 13 of the GDPR, the Data Controller informs you that you have the right to:
request from the Data Controller access to your personal data and the rectification or erasure of the same or the limitation of the processing concerning you or to object to their processing, in addition to the right to data portability
to withdraw consent at any time without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given before the revocation
to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority (e.g. the Italian Data Protection Authority).
The rights referred to above may be exercised with a request made without formalities to the contacts indicated in the Introduction.
Communication of data
The Data Controller communicates/shares the data to the web agency that manages the Site.
The Data Controller communicates the data to the company in charge of the advertising campaigns.
The Data Controller communicates/shares the data to the company in charge of the advertising campaigns and/or to the web agency that manages the Site.
Storage of the information
The user’s behavioral data are kept for up to 1 year from when they were obtained from the relevant profiling cookie. In any case, the data are deleted earlier if there is withdrawal of consent by the user.
Data from technical cookies is stored for the time necessary to enable the service to which the individual technical cookie relates.
If the Site sets profiling cookies, the user’s behavioural data will be stored until the user’s consent is revoked.